18 Aug 2012 – At last my birth has born fruit

At last my birth has born fruit

Dec, 1952

MEHER BABA was invited to Devargaon, fourteen miles from Amraoti, on the morning of December 24th. There, he contacted a mast named Virbhan Maharaj. As Baba began massaging his legs, the mast said to him, “Why undergo so much trouble for me? You have to do great work for the world!”

Baba replied, “I am for those who love me, and those who love me are my Gurus.”

“You are the Master of the Universe; the village is blessed by your presence,” the mast said. Addressing the mandali, Virbhan Maharaj then quoted this shloka (verse) from the Bhagavad Gita:

“When the flame of righteousness burns low, God descends as the Avatar.”

Baba’s presence overwhelmed Virbhan Maharaj, and he wept tears of love. “Meher Baba is the real Avatar,” he stated. “I can see him in his Real Form. At last my birth has born fruit.” Virbhan’s heart was full in the presence of Baba and he continued to shed tears.

www.lordmeher.org, p4018

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