Purging of selfishness

The disease of selfishness in mankind will need a cure, which is not only universal in its application, but is drastic in its nature. It is so deep-rooted that that it can be uprooted only if it is knocked from all sides. Real peace and happiness will dawn spontaneously when there is the purging of selfishness. The peace and happiness which come from self-giving love are permanent. Even the worst sinners can become great saints if they have the courage and sincerity to invite a drastic and complete change of heart.

The present chaos and destruction will engulf the whole world. But this will be followed by a very long period in which there shall be no war. The passing sufferings and miseries of our times would be worth enduring for the sake of the long period of happiness which is to follow.

What will the present chaos lead to? How will it all end? It can only end in one way. Mankind will be sick of it all. Men will be sick of wanting and sick of fighting out of hatred. Greed and hatred will reach such intensity that everyone will become weary of them. They way out of the deadlock will be found through selflessness. The only alternative which will bring solution will be to stop hating and to love, to stop wanting and to give, to stop domination and to serve. 

-Messages of Meher Baba, East and West, ed. Adi K. Irani, p22-25

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