The Whim from Beyond – The unitarian Beyond seeks to know itself

Through the ages, the human mind has been profoundly restless in its search for final explanations about first things. The history of these endeavors to grasp first things through the intellect is a tale of recurrent failures. The redeeming feature of these great efforts is that instead of being
disheartened by the confessed failures of past thinkers, others are inspired to make fresh attempts. All these philosophical explanations are creations of the mind that has never succeeded in passing beyond itself. Thus they are confessed though inspiring failures; nonetheless each such
failure is a partial contribution to knowledge of the Beyond. Only those who have gone beyond the mind know the Truth in its reality. If they sometimes explain what they know, which they rarely do, those explanations also being in words are limited but these words illumine the mind; they do not fill it with novel ideas.

The unitarian Beyond is an indivisible and indescribable infinity. It seeks to know itself. It is of no use to ask why it does so. To attempt to give a reason for this is to be involved in further questions and thus to start an unending chain of reasons for reasons, reasons for these reasons and so on ad infinitum. The plain truth about this initial urge to know itself is best called a whim (Lahar). A whim is not a whim if it can be explained or rationalized. And just as no one may usefully ask why it arises, so no one may ask when it arises. “When” implies a time series with past, present and future. All these are absent in the eternal Beyond. So let us call this initial urge to know a “whim.” You may call this an explanation if you like or you may call it an affirmation of its inherent inexplicability.

The initial whim is completely independent of reason, intellect, or imagination, all of which are by-products of this whim. Reason, intellect and imagination depend upon the initial whim and not vice versa. Because the whim is not dependent upon reason, intellect or imagination, it can neither be understood nor interpreted in terms of any of these faculties of the limited mind.

-Beams, p7

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