God hears a poor man’s prayer

Proceeding, Baba entered a lane inhabited by poor hut dwellers. It was 6:45 P.M. and growing dark. Approaching one hut with a cot outside, […]

20130703 – The path to higher consciousness and the limited ego- Part 3 (Final)

The ego persists to the last. Not until all the six out of the seven principal states on the path are traversed, […]

20130702 – The path to higher consciousness and the limited ego- Part 2


The furious race for armaments by the Christian world, evincing an utter disregard for the commandment of Jesus that if one cheek is […]

20130701 – The path to higher consciousness and the limited ego- Part 1


Baba remained in Hollywood for seven hectic days, each packed full of interviews and receptions. Norina Matchabelli and Elizabeth Patterson had driven all […]