Qualifications of the Aspirant: Faith — Beliefs and opinions

Faith must be carefully distinguished from mere intellectual belief or opinion. When a person has a good opinion about someone, he is said to […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Faith — Credulity and doubt

The right of testing the Master through critical reasoning has always been conceded to the disciples. But if, after testing and being satisfied about […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Faith — Faith and critical reasoning

True faith is grounded in the deeper experiences of the spirit and the unerring deliverances of purified intuition. It is not to be regarded […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Faith — Faith in a Master

Faith in a Perfect Master becomes all-important because it nourishes and sustains faith in oneself and faith in life-in the very teeth of setbacks […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Faith — Secure basis of self-confidence

Unshakable faith in oneself is as rare as implicit faith in some other person. Few have developed it to the degree that ensures effective […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Faith — Importance of faith in oneself

Unqualified and implicit faith in each other belongs to the world of ideals. In actual practice it exists only in special cases. Though it […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Faith — Faith and its forms

One of the most important qualifications for the aspirant is faith. There are three kinds of faith: faith in oneself, faith in a Perfect […]

East-West Gathering – Conversations with lovers: “Love me wholeheartedly and you might one day get a glimpse of my Reality”

Habib Qawaal also sang a ghazal. During his singing, at times, Baba would explain the meaning of certain verses. At one point, he translated:


To see God you carry your life in the palm of your hand


One day after bhajans were sung, Baba remarked to the singers and musicians:

It is mentioned without any exception in all the holy […]

Baba will be present when we long for Him


Minoo Kharas (left) kneels beside Baba,Wadia park, 1954

Minoo told me that the most difficult order he had ever received from Meher […]