Death and sanskaras

On March 6th, while explaining about after death and experiencing gross impressions in the […]

Reincarnation and Karma [21]– Hell and Heaven: Heaven and hell and release of wisdom

Different souls start with different degrees of intuitive wisdom as their initial capital for the experiments and adventures of their earthly careers. This intuition […]

Reincarnation and Karma [20]– Hell and Heaven: Analogy of cinema

Analogy of cinema: The fret and fury of immediate responses to the changing situations of earthly life is replaced in […]

Reincarnation and Karma [19]– Hell and Heaven: Retrospective survey of earthly experiences

Termination of hell and heaven: Just as a phonograph record is set aside after the needle has traveled through each […]

Reincarnation and Karma [18]– Hell and Heaven: Time in semi-subtle world

Time in semi-subtle world: Hell and heaven are both states of bondage, however, and subject to the limitations of the […]

Reincarnation and Karma [17]– Hell and Heaven: Sufferings of hell and pleasures of heaven

Bodily sensations of coarser desires: Thus in the finer desires, the actual sensations play a subordinate role to the derivative […]

Reincarnation and Karma [16]– Hell and Heaven: Coarser vs. Finer desires

Coarser desires contribute to hell state:

Some desires have a direct relation to the possession and assimilation […]

Reincarnation and Karma [15]– Hell and Heaven: Heaven on earth

In fact, even in the earthly sphere of existence some individuals develop this capacity of making their pleasure independent of […]

Reincarnation and Karma [14]– Hell and Heaven: Fulfillment of desires through thought

In the heaven state the fulfillment of desires is not, as in the gross sphere, dependent upon having the object […]

Reincarnation and Karma [13]– Hell and Heaven: Hell and heaven states

In life after death the experiences of pain and pleasure become much more intense than they were in earthly life. […]