The Avatar : The desire for God-Realization is latent in every creature

Consciously or unconsciously, every living creature seeks one thing. In the lower forms of life and in less advanced human beings, the quest is unconscious; in advanced human beings, it is conscious. The object of the quest is called by many names-happiness, peace, freedom, truth, love, perfection, Self-realization, God-realization, union with God.

Everyone has moments of happiness, glimpses of truth, fleeting experiences of union with God; what they want is to make them permanent.

This is a natural desire … For every living thing is a partial manifestation of God, conditioned only by its lack of knowledge of its own true nature. The whole of evolution, in fact, is an evolution from unconscious divinity to conscious divinity, in which God Himself, essentially eternal and unchangeable, assumes an infinite variety of forms, enjoys an infinite variety of experiences, and transcends an infinite variety of self-imposed limitations.

-Discourses, 7th Ed, p266

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