Try, little by little


Mrs. Hiner, a woman working in Walter’s office, was asked if she wanted to ask anything. She shook her head no. Baba commented: “I understand, because what can explanations mean when internal help is at hand? Real help is spiritual help, not by words and explanations.” A few tears fell from the woman’s eyes, and she put her hand in Baba’s and sat with him for a few moments.

A man came with a written list of his transgressions, which made him feel that he was unredeemable. He was about to read it out, but Baba said, “There’s no need to tell me anything. Don’t worry. When one is meant for spiritual advancement, one has either love or lust in him to the extreme. This lust must be converted into love. What is lust but a craving to satisfy physical senses; and love is the craving of the soul. Never think that you have fallen so far as not to be able to rise again.”

To another, Baba said, “[Spirituality] is so easy, but people make it so complicated that it seems a gigantic task. Think more of others and less of yourself. Try, little by little.”, p1631
July, 1934; Zurich (Interviews)

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