Baba had been invited to visit the Catholic Saint Joseph High School in Wadala, by the principal, Father Rego.
[At the gathering of 1400 school students, teachers and administrators], Baba said: “The human form of Beloved God cannot be more humanized than this, by meeting you 1400 students [and others] and giving you each His embrace. You are now quite young and have innocence and receptivity to receive the purity of His divine touch.”
Each boy and girl then filed past Baba, who embraced them and distributed sweets.
Expressing his satisfaction to the priest for arranging the two-hour program, Baba stated: “He who is God-realized can, with the touch of his hand, sow the seed of divine love in the human heart. The seed then germinates, takes deep root, blossoms and later flowers, whereby the whole life of the individual is made fragrant, inspiring him to serve mankind selflessly.”
-www.lordmeher.org, p4502
March, 959; Bombay