How can you be free of actions? – Part 1

The discourse on “Action and Inaction” (delivered originally in Poona the year before) was then read:

1. In the Beyond, Beyond state of God, there is “unconscious inaction.”

2. In the state of God-realization, there is “conscious inaction.” This is not the state of Perfection, but of liberation [najaat, mukti; a Jivanmukta, Liberated Incarnate while on earth]. In this state, there is absolute tranquility which gives rise to infinite power, knowledge and bliss.

3. In the intermediate state — between 1 and 2 — there is “conscious action.” Actions promote sanskaras. Sanskaras in turn breed more actions and create bindings. In this state there is bondage.

4. In the state of a majzoob of the seventh plane, there is “unconscious action.”

5. In the state of Perfect Masters, there is “conscious, active inaction.”

Perfect Masters are free of sanskaras; they have no impressions. As such, there cannot be room for actions of their own. Their life is one of inaction, but made active because of the prevailing environmental circumstances. Actions of Perfect Masters are prompted by the environmental atmosphere prevailing then. How are actions prompted? Baba will explain some time. But here are some examples of the above states:

The Beyond, Beyond state of God may be compared with a child fast asleep in a cradle. It is an example of unconscious inaction.

The state of a God-realized person [a Jivanmukta, not a Perfect Master] may be compared with a child wide awake, but still in the cradle. This is an example of conscious inaction., p4378
May, 1958; Myrtle Beach

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