Qualifications of the Aspirant: Readiness to Serve ā€” Accepted values determine types of service

Thus, in a society dominated by merely material conceptions of life, service is interpreted in terms of providing for bread or clothes or other […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Readiness to Serve ā€” Freedom from opposites of great and small

If the aspirant is completely detached from all works and their results, he becomes free from the vitiating opposites of great and small. The […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Readiness to Serve ā€” No claims of limited ā€œIā€

The aspirant is not in any way attached to the idea of service, however, in the sense of maximum results being secured through himself […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Readiness to Serve ā€” Aptitude and abilities

The aspirant always has to be in readiness to serve the cause of humanity. He need not apply himself to any type of work […]

An opportunity of serving Baba

One exception to “visitors” was an eccentric Irishman, named Dennis Kirkpatrick. He was a tall man in his late fifties. His father had been […]

“Through me you [the Mandali] are serving the whole universe!”

Meanwhile, in North India, there was a severe shortage of wheat and rice after three years of drought and thousands of poor people were […]

“The greatest service one can render to humanity is to make them feel this Reality”


Toni Roothbert said, “I am only happy when I can do something for people. There is not even a hospital here … ”


Selfless service to little children is tantamount to rendering service directly to God

Goma Ganesh Pathak, one of the former teachers of the Meher Ashram school, was doing social work in Ahmednagar and would come to see […]

19 Aug 2012 ā€“ Serve your parents and win them over

Serve your parents and win them over

A YOUTH named Singh, from Hamirpur, had attended the Andhra darshan program, but his parents were against Baba. […]