Even those unwilling to come to him were drawn by his infinite mercy


Kishan Singh and Prakashwati were staying in the same bungalow, and on occasions Baba would see Prakashwati. Later that day, Baba suddenly asked Kishan Singh about her and came to know that she had gone to the woman saint Anandamayi Ma.

Baba cuttingly remarked, “It is good Prakashwati visits other saints. Now I am no longer responsible for her!”

Kishan attempted to explain, “Prakashwati went just to pass the time, because she is alone at her house and feels bored. Her mother is also there with Anandamayi Ma.”

“If Anandamayi Ma tells her to do a thing, and if she does not do it, she will be in big trouble; and if she does it, I will be free of her responsibility.”

Baba then admonished Kishan, “You are mine, and I seriously warn you that Prakashwati will lead you to disaster!” Anandamayi Ma and Ishwar Singh are on the Path, but if you take me as the Head of all, then it behooves you to act responsibly and not go to every door.” (This meant no association with other gurus.)

Baba continued, “If Prakashwati benefits or finds any advantage at the hands of Anandamayi Ma, then up to July take her to all saints here. If at the end of July both of you still feel that only Baba is real, then you should fulfill your promise of dedication to me.” (This meant paying some amount of money to Baba for his poor work.)

“If I am what you take me to be, then you should catch hold of only me. On my part, I must see that you become so helpless that you cannot leave me! And then, no third power should interfere or influence you.

“I do everything 100 percent spontaneously. To my mind, greatness lies in that. The Highest of the High is always most spontaneous.

“When Prakashwati is not confused, she says she cannot live without Baba. If she said this from the bottom of her heart, she would not dream of ever going to Anandamayi Ma. It is quite a reasonable and logical assumption. Were Prakashwati to love me 100 percent, and were I to disregard her completely, still she would have no place for anyone in her heart and would not leave me.”

According to Baba’s behest, Kishan Singh took Prakashwati to different saints and also to Anandamayi Ma. Baba had given Prakashwati freedom to visit other saintly persons, and she did so.

The result was not harmful but wonderful, because in the end she remained uninfluenced by any saint. When Prakashwati went to a saint, she would feel a sort of uneasiness, and that Baba was pulling her away inwardly.

Consequently, on her own, she stopped going to any saint, and began singing kirtans (devotional songs) about Baba at the residence of Bal Kisan Bakhshi and his wife, Meher Kanta. Every week, Prakashwati would perform kirtans in their bungalow, with this favorite line echoing: “Born of Shiva’s phallus! Jai Meher Baba, Jai Merwan!”

Kishan, too, would sing so loudly that he was heard in the mandali’s quarters, and Baba also would hear him. Thus, an amazing transformation in Prakashwati occurred, and Baba played his game of keeping Kishan Singh bowed forever at his feet.

At his holy feet lies the Tavern, which provides ample shelter for all, and even those unwilling to come to him were drawn there by his infinite mercy.

–www.lordmeher.org, (updated, 2014), p3335

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