Eternal NOW



Through enslavement to the temporary and the passing, man deprives himself of the eternal and the lasting. Each moment with which man is confronted can either tighten the grip of the false or deliver him to the Truth. God  is the only Reality and He is the fountainhead of all love, beauty,  peace and happiness. Even in and through the “fleeting now” of the false, God is eternally inviting man to Himself,  affirming Himself as the Truth of man’s being. Those who dare to see and love God in everyone and everything, experience Him as the everlastingly immediate Presence.

Only when his mind is utterly detached from the false is it possible  for man to disentangle himself from the repetitive clutches of the fleeting moment. Then and only then can he become established  in the “eternal now,” which everlastingly includes the eternal past  and the eternal future. The eternal “I Am” is an unfailing assurance of the only Reality which ever was, is and will be.

The way to peace and fulfillment in union with God, the divine  Beloved, is a daring dive into the “eternal now.” Not by fruitless  surveys of the past, nor by elusive longings for the future, nor by  enslavement to the fleeting moment, but by staking everything for  God, is it possible for you to experience yourself as the illimitable ocean of love. Here and nowhere else is the final solution of all  your problems. Love born in the Truth liberates without binding  and fulfills without overpowering; it is a pure blessing not only for  yourself, but for each and all, for ever and ever, in the “eternal  now.”

-Life At Its Best, p56

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