Love for God gradually brings down wanderings

On Wednesday, 25 November 1964, an Englishman who had been living in India for eleven years arrived in Meherazad at 2:00 P.M. The Englishman had become a sanyasi and taken the name of Mahendra Nath  He was accompanied by another monk.

During their meeting, Baba asked him, “Where will you proceed from here?”

“Hardwar,” he replied.

“And from Hardwar?”


“How long will you go on wandering like this?”

“I am not wandering but visiting places of pilgrimage.”

Baba told him, “God is within and can be found only there. He should be searched for within, not outside! An outward journey to find Him has no value.”

The man answered, “I am in the process of preparing to settle at a temple in Ghatkopar, where a small room is being built for me. After that is completed, my wanderings will stop.”

Baba observed, “It is very difficult to stop wandering. Only when love for God is born does the wandering gradually come to a halt. The mind should turn to ashes in the fire of that love; and when it becomes charred, all your wanderings will cease.”, p5097
Nov, 1964; Meherazad

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