Qualifications of the Aspirant: Readiness to Serve β€” Service without fuss

In cooperation of this type the aspirants are in a way serving each other because the Master’s work is accepted by them all as […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Readiness to Serve β€” Importance of contact with a Master

The aspirant can best assimilate the lessons of true service if he has the good fortune to be in contact with a Perfect Master. […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Readiness to Serve β€” Service inspired by love ensures harmony

Even when the aspirant is rendering service that is selfless, he keeps constant guard upon his mind. The aspirant must be humble, honest, and […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Readiness to Serve β€” Life as integral whole

For the aspirant who is eager to serve without any desire for recognition and credit, everything that thwarts or perverts the release of a […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Readiness to Serve β€” Mistakes in worldly judgment

Just as the worldly-minded have a tendency to judge positive contributions in terms of magnitudes, they also make a similar mistake in judging obstacles, […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Readiness to Serve β€” Little things that matter

The scope of service is not limited to great gestures like giving big donations to public institutions. They also serve who express their love […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Readiness to Serve β€” Two kinds of service

If there is no spiritual understanding, the desire for rendering service to others is harnessed by limited conceptions. Service is of two kinds: it […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Readiness to Serve β€” Accepted values determine types of service

Thus, in a society dominated by merely material conceptions of life, service is interpreted in terms of providing for bread or clothes or other […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Readiness to Serve β€” Freedom from opposites of great and small

If the aspirant is completely detached from all works and their results, he becomes free from the vitiating opposites of great and small. The […]

Qualifications of the Aspirant: Readiness to Serve β€” No claims of limited β€œI”

The aspirant is not in any way attached to the idea of service, however, in the sense of maximum results being secured through himself […]