No repression but transformation


“I don’t want any repression, but I do want transformation. I never for one moment say that you must not get angry. Don’t […]

“Spiritual life is not a matter of quantity but of inherent quality of living”

A thing need not be unusual or particularly striking in order to be spiritually significant. The unusual and the striking exist relative to the […]

The three types of disciples

There are three types of disciples: those who help, those who are a burden, and those who are a hindrance.

Those who lift me […]

Bitter experiences of the past often open new vistas

The same day, Baba also dictated this reply to a friend of Nadine Tolstoy’s, Grand Duchess Marie, a Russian aristocrat:

Many bitter experiences of […]

Surrender is better than love


Love and self-surrender both lead one to the Goal. But generally in the path of love, one drops his body after reaching the […]

Maya is the illusion that everything in this world is real


On Saturday, 21 March, when Mehendarge received news of his brother’s demise, he wept. Baba consoled him and said:


Baba called all the mandali to the mast ashram (on the hill) at three in the afternoon, and gave this explanation about fasting:

The […]