The sustaining self begins to reveal itself

There is no more ready means by which the first outlines of the inner self can be known than through complete honesty. Honesty with […]

Speak from your heart

Two years before, when Lud Dimpfl had met Baba in Myrtle Beach, although he felt happy to meet the Avatar, he felt perplexed as […]

“When one honestly desires, one never fails”

Khilnani asked, “… but why is it that man, although he desires to be good and honest, fails to do so? This is the […]

Maya (2/2): The only remedy to get out of this illusion



“Don’t worry; all this is illusion.

You should love me and be honest and faithful. You must be so honest in your […]

“To realize Him, we should be honest in everything”


Baba then addressed the others: “My discourses, Vedanta, Upanishads and all religious literature have no value. It is literally explanations of the Unexplainable. […]

Hypocrisy is a million-headed cobra


Their first stop was the bungalow of the district judge, Krishna Rao Naidu, where Baba gave this message on honesty:

I have lately […]

The need for discrimination in being frank


On March 11th, Baba gathered the men mandali and explained to them:

To be frank and fair is a quality and […]

“In the fire of love, all dirt is automatically consumed”

[This is an extract of Fred and Ella’s first meeting with Beloved Baba]

At last, Fred and Ella came to Myrtle Beach to meet […]

“If you want to be free, free you are!” – Part 1/2

On Sunday, 11 January 1959, a Christian, who wished to “lead a perfect life of love and service in accordance with the teachings of […]

In proportion to their love, service, faith and honesty

On 21 May, according to his wish, Eruch read out the names of the departed ones as […]