Sustaining one’s enthusiasm in the path – long for God-Realization

Adults* rarely attain lasting enthusiasm or longing. When I give a fascinating discourse or logical explanation about divine grandeur or […]

True spirituality is total in its outlook

When people seek spirituality apart from life, as if it had nothing to do with the material world, their search is futile. All creeds […]

A message given by Baba on how to receive Him

A public meeting was held in the Town Hall in Kakinada, on December 25th, to publicize Baba’s visit, for which […]

Life is like a game of cards

Until God-realization, this life and world of existence is like a game of cards. When you play cards you feel […]

Keen inner longing

One day in Rishikesh, Baba was giving Chanji instructions at the mandali’s quarters when a sanyasi came to the gate […]

“Think much of others, and very little of yourself”

[Personal Interviews with Baba: A woman who just looks at Baba.]

After a time of silence, Baba […]

“The body is to the soul as the waste material is to the food.”

Afterwards, he was driven to the Parsi bangli, where he had the car stopped outside. Baba remained seated in the […]

Blessings, love and grace

During darshan the next day, Sunday, 8 May, a visitor requested that Baba give him his blessings. Baba replied:

The Lover and the Beloved

God is love. And Love must love. And to love there must be a Beloved. But since God is Existence infinite and eternal there […]

The Divine Union

Not through worldly wisdom, but by diving deep to the innermost, is it possible to be united with God, Who […]