Be firm as a rock in your faith

Delia De Leon with Baba

On 2 October 1938, Baba had written Delia DeLeon in England:

Be patient. […]


Baba, while tolerant of our various moods, understanding their causes (frustration, jealousy, inferiority complexes) as a result of sanskaras left over from […]

Moods feed the ego

Believe it or not, there were times when one was tempted to stand apart and not cooperate, asking oneself why all this […]

Moods feed the ego-life


Baba, while tolerant of our various moods, understanding their causes (frustration, jealousy, inferiority complexes) as a result of sanskaras left over from past […]

“Don’t get upset over trivialities”

The next morning, Baba gathered the mandali at about eight o’clock. He questioned Chhagan about his sour disposition, which had been gloomy since the […]

“Let thoughts come and go … Continue obeying me.”

A daughter named Shakuntala was born on the 18th to Chhagan’s wife, who became quite ill after the delivery. Four days later, Baba directed […]