All weaknesses put together can form a tower of strength

Baba then stated: “I am fed up with all this bowing down. Gods bow down to me! So what of human beings? I do […]

Ways to overcome ones weaknesses

Q. Could you show us some means to overcome our weaknesses and faults?

Baba: By selfless service, devotion and love.


“Once I forgive, there is nothing to repent for”

Each man candidly revealed his weaknesses before Baba which satisfied him. Afterward he remarked, […]

To scoop out the impurities

Baba in Andhra tour

[This incident happened in Baba’s second Andhra visit of 1954. Baba […]

“Be happy at once!”



In the early days, Baba would devote an hour or more to help you see the cause of your upset, occasionally making […]

Don’t feel worried about defects

Don’t worry… for what you believe to be your “coldness” or “defects.” Being conscious of these is good, as long as one […]


Baba, while tolerant of our various moods, understanding their causes (frustration, jealousy, inferiority complexes) as a result of sanskaras left over from […]

Curb the weaknesses with Baba’s remembrance

In Calcutta A. C. S. Chari had a difficult time that day [Silence Day]. It was a day “full of remorse,” as he reviewed […]

“I am the purest of the pure. I can purify the worst sinner”

After a few minutes, his roving glance fell on a young lady standing isolated at the far end […]

“What is important is that they should stick to my daaman”

Maimoona asked why Baba lovers sometimes quarrel amongst themselves. Baba replied, “The twelve apostles of Jesus also fought with each other. Baba lovers fight […]