Above purity is love

Adele wolkin with Beloved Baba, Meherazad

Adele [Wolkin] met Baba at 10 […]

“Love can wipe away every weakness, every mistake”

Everyone commits mistakes unless one is Perfect and One with God, but love for Baba wipes away the […]

Ways to overcome ones weaknesses

Q. Could you show us some means to overcome our weaknesses and faults?

Baba: By selfless service, devotion and love.


“Love Me more and that will take care of everything”

Why should you feel yourself unworthy and why do you think that I am pulling on you and so forth? […]

“In the fire of love, all dirt is automatically consumed”

[This is an extract of Fred and Ella’s first meeting with Beloved Baba]

At last, Fred and Ella came to Myrtle Beach to meet […]

“Love me, and your worries will vanish!”

If you were dreaming and I appeared in your dream and told you that you were dreaming, it […]