


Love of woman and God

A man loves a woman who is living in a distant place. His love causes him to be thinking of her all […]

“Fit and worthy of my doing their arti!”

That morning, Baba also spoke about obedience:

Hafiz says: “Don’t hanker after love and Union, but seek only the will […]

Silent love within

My message since ages and from eternity without beginning has been of love. God alone is real, and to know Him we must love […]

The first Song and the first dance

While the little girls were dancing before Baba, he stated: “The first Song I sang, the first Dance I danced have eternally bound me. […]

Affliction a God-given chance of coming nearer to Him

Baba bathing a leper

That evening Baba had been invited to Dr. Patwardhan’s leper colony, five miles from Amraoti. He was taken around the […]

Real help vs. Temporary material relief

The next day, explaining about his bowing down to the poor, Baba stated, “When I do it, I do not […]

An opportunity to remember Baba more frequently

[In a long letter to Ramchandra Gadekar, who was ailing with cancer, dated 1 February 1959, Baba wrote:]

Baba knows how you have […]

Obedience is an offering from the lover to the Beloved

In response to the replies that the Westerners had sent to Baba reaffirming their love and obedience to him, Baba had this message sent […]

I Am the Greatest All-Rounder

Baba lovingly embraced the cricket players [who are going to England on cricket tour] and handed each a copy of Life At Its Best […]

“I come to awaken all!”

When Bhau was with Baba during nightwatch, Baba would ask about the letters received. One day Bhau answered, […]